Results so far

[frm-graph title=”Q1 of 4: How much do you agree with the statement I found the myWA Alpha site useful?” fields=”264″ type=”pie” data_type=count min=0 show_key=1 x_order=0 width=”100%”]
[frm-graph title=”Q2 of 4: Which of the following types of government service would you most like to see easily accessible and available online (pick up to three)…” fields=”268″ type=”pie” data_type=count min=0 show_key=1 x_order=0 width=”100%”]
[frm-graph title=”Q3 of 4: What is your preferred way to find government digital services?” fields=”266″ type=”pie” data_type=count min=0 show_key=1 x_order=0 width=”100%”]
[frm-graph title=”Q4 of 4: How important is it to you to be able to log in and access digital services from any department or agency from the one website?” fields=”271″ type=”pie” data_type=count min=0 show_key=1 x_order=0 width=”100%”]
[frm-graph title=”Q5 of 17: How much do you agree with the statement ‘I like the search function to find services'” fields=”282″ type=”pie” data_type=count min=0 show_key=1 x_order=0 width=”100%”]
[frm-graph title=”Q6 of 17: How much do you agree with the statement ‘I like the proposed Services Dashboard'” fields=”283″ type=”pie” data_type=count min=0 show_key=1 x_order=0 width=”100%”]
[frm-graph title=”Q7 of 17: How much do you agree with the statement ‘I understand what the myWA Alpha site is for'” fields=”296″ type=”pie” data_type=count min=0 show_key=1 x_order=0 width=”100%”]
[frm-graph title=”Q8 of 17: How much do you agree with the statement ‘I understand where the myWA Program is going'” fields=”298″ type=”pie” data_type=count min=0 show_key=1 x_order=0 width=”100%”]
[frm-graph title=”Q9 of 17: How much do you agree with the statement ‘I like the idea of logging in to a one stop shop for government services'” fields=”302″ type=”pie” data_type=count min=0 show_key=1 x_order=0 width=”100%”]
[frm-graph title=”Q10 of 17: If all channels were available, what would be your preferred way of accessing a government service?” fields=”303″ type=”pie” data_type=count min=0 show_key=1 x_order=0 width=”100%”]
[frm-graph title=”Q11 of 17: Which of the following government services channels do you currently access on a regular basis?” fields=”305″ type=”pie” data_type=count min=0 show_key=1 x_order=0 width=”100%”]
[frm-graph title=”Q12 of 17: How often do you currently use government services online?” fields=”307″ type=”pie” data_type=count min=0 show_key=1 x_order=0 width=”100%”]
[frm-graph title=”Q13 of 17: If ALL government services were available easily online, how often do you think you would access one?” fields=”309″ type=”pie” data_type=count min=0 show_key=1 x_order=0 width=”100%”]
[frm-graph title=”Q14 of 17: Would you find it useful to use online services for a business or as an individual?” fields=”309″ type=”pie” data_type=count min=0 show_key=1 x_order=0 width=”100%”]
[frm-graph title=”Q15 of 17: Which of your own personal or business information would you like to be able to access or provide through a single online government portal like myWA? (Pick as many as you like)” fields=”313″ type=”pie” data_type=count min=0 show_key=1 x_order=0 width=”100%”]
[frm-graph title=”Q16 of 17: Which of your own personal or business information would you NOT like to be able to access or provide through a single online government portal like myWA? (Pick as many as you like)” fields=”315″ type=”pie” data_type=count min=0 show_key=1 x_order=0 width=”100%”]